05 November 2008

Woe is the weekend, wee is today!

So this last weekend was a bit of a disaster. My man was home, we went over to friends' places, where I had not much control over what I ate, and didn't do my part in controlling how much I ate. Oatmeal cookies and garlic bread were involved. Yipes. This is one of my central issues. How do I function in a world that is so full of scary food situations? How do I plan? How do I dodge the traps and pitfalls? How do I say no to cheese fondue on one of the civically happiest nights of my life?

On a positive note, I am doing well in the exercise department. I've been going to the gym and doing some weights and interval things - jumping rope, jumping jacks, etc. I also signed up for a month at a Bikram yoga and took my first class on Saturday. It's not my first yoga class, but I was shocked at how different it felt than any other type of exercise/torture I've ever gone through. It was a challenge. It was sweaty and overwhelming, but I'm looking forward to getting to another class.

I weighed myself, and am down a pound from the week before. But that week I was up two pounds from the week before that. Eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooo hooo, bikram! I took one or two classes of it years ago and it is definitely a serious workout. My whole body felt like jelly afterwards... in an oddly good, overheated way.