31 December 2008

Beck's Diet Solution - for me?

I picked up this book at the library last night. It's one that's been in my consciousness for a while. I even looked at it once and thought - wow, that seems like a lot of work - and put it down. But it's a six-week program that promises to change the way I think about eating, and that sounds like a giant relief. So I am willing to do a little work.

The way it's laid out is that there's a step to do each day, or attempt to do until it's mastered. The first day was to write on a notecard the reasons why I want to lose weight. Here's what I came up with:

  • I want to look strong & sexy.
  • I will be able to wear cooler clothes and shop in boutiques!
  • I will be able to stop worrying about my weight.
  • I will conquer my food issues.
  • Nakedness.
Pretty succinct, but how glorious would it be to really stop worrying about my weight, stop watching it creep up, stop thinking about food as, alternately a dangerous and wily enemy and cuddly source of nuturing love and numbness? Pretty glorious.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by Turtle Progress :). I think that Dr. Beck's principles are sound and although they do involve "homework" (for lack of a better word), it's homework that can actually make a positive difference. I'll be posting about how things go for me as I incorporate techniques from the Complete Beck Diet for Life into my weight-loss efforts, and I'm looking forward to hearing about how things go for you too. Best of luck and Happy New Year!