29 October 2008

Mission Statement

To lose thirty pounds by my 30th birthday...and I only have ten days! I'm cutting off a leg.

Actually, I have about six months, so I feel a measure of confidence that I can do this. I have no coaches, no sponsors and no nutritionist to back me up. What I do have is a pretty good idea what it takes. I've been a fitness instructor, I've taken nutrition classes, I'm not looking for a magic pill or drink.

My problem is food. I love it. I love cooking and eating and trying new things. I love cheese and butter and bread and chocolate. I feel like without these things, life is questionable in its worthiness. But it's a love affair gone all haywire - Fatal Attraction style, there needs to be some control exerted. By me.

So here goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can definitely do this---I'm looking forward to your updates!